Chocolate Mottled
work in progress
Chocolate Mottled Starting with Black Mottled & Chocolate.
In this instance it is important to match colours and genders. The starting birds, but be Chocolate Rooster and a Black Mottled Hen, it will not work the other way round.
Gen X. Chocolate Rooster x Black Mottled Hen =
Gen 1. Black Split Mottled & Chocolate x Black Mottled Hen =
Gen 2. Black Split Mottled & Chocolate x Chocolate Mottled =
Gen 3. Chocolate Mottled Rooster x Chocolate Mottled Hen = 100% Chocolate Mottled.
12.5% Black Split Mottled Females.
12.5% Chocolate Split Mottled Females.
12.5% Black Mottled Females.
12.5% Chocolate Mottled Females.
12.5% Black Split Mottled Males.
12.5% Black Split Mottled & Chocolate Males.
12.5% Black Mottled Males.
12.5% Black Mottled Split Chocolate Males.
12.5% Black Split Mottled Females.
12.5% Chocolate Split Mottled Females.
12.5% Black Mottled.
12.5% Chocolate Mottled Females.
12.5% Black Split Mottled Males.
12.5% Chocolate Split Mottled Males.
12.5% Black Mottled Split Chocolate Males
12.5% Chocolate Mottled Males.
50% Chocolate Split Mottled Females.
50% Black Split Mottled & Chocolate Males.
Gen x. - Year 1 - Finding the first chocolate Rooster & Black Mottled Hen should be the easiest bit.
Gen 1. - Year 2 -You keep back the Black Split Mottled & Chocolate Rooter produced in Gen x. And depending on your resaources, you can either breed him to his Black Mottled Mother, or locate a unrelated Black Mottled Hen.
Gen 2. - Year 3 - Continue using The Black Split Mottled & Chocolate Rooster produced from Gen x. and cross with his Chocolate Mottled Daughter.
Gen 3. - Year 4 - By this stage you should have produced your own Chocolate Mottled males and females. These colours breed true, so once you've produced a breeding group you can continue to produce this colour.